
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Final Farewell

Last night we tried not to be too sad as we headed out to dinner.


We met my BFF, Nikki, and her son, Evan, at Rockbottom Brewery for our final farewell.DSC01749.JPG

The sign when we walked in:


It's hard to be sad when this guy is with you, though:




These guys aren't too bad either:


There are still Rockbottom Brewery's in Pittsburgh, Columbus, and Chicago so we hope to make our rounds! Nikki and I discussed maybe making it a tradition to travel to one for our birthdays every year. I love new traditions!


We killed those pretzels........they didn't stand a chance...... :)

In other news, C and I got up early today and took the Diddy-man for a mile walk, and then we headed back out to Einstein's to pick up bagels for the boys. We decided to run the 1/2 mile there and back, and my knee started to hurt on the way back! I'm glad my friend cancelled on me to run this morning because I think it needs another week break. It wasn't an intense pain like last Sunday, but it was enough to make me concerned and to know that a 6+ mile run today was NOT a good idea. I think a long bike ride is in the cards instead today. It's supposed to be a hot one!

Hope you're enjoying your Memorial Day weekend wherever you are! Make it a good one!

Question of the day:

Have you started any new traditions lately?


  1. Glad you enjoyed your last dinner there! What a bummer that they're closing that location. The pretzels look awesome. I feel like I've eatten at a rock bottom before, maybe in DC? Hope the knee pain goes away quick. Enjoy the heat! Brunch is our new tradition that I'm (obviously) obsessed with

  2. I love the idea to travel for your birthdays to a new location! So cool! I think we're going to start a Thanksgiving tradition this year where everyone is invited to our house so we don't have to spend the whole day traveling!

  3. Glad you had a good last dinner there - those pretzels do look amazing, but I'm a sucker for soft pretzels!

  4. I think there is a rock bottom in Boston. Maybe I'm confusing it with another place though :)
    My husband and I have a tradition of eating Italian food on our anniversary since we went to Italy for our honeymoon :D
